Author: Alex

  • Cadel Evans – Tour de France rider to know and love

    I haven’t really formed a strong opinion about Cadel Evans yet, even though he won the 2011 Tour and is one of the favourites this year. About the only thing I ever think when I see him is: “Your head doesn’t match your body.” Evans doesn’t have a cyclist’s head. He looks like he should…

  • Denis Menchov – Tour de France cyclist to know and love

    Technically, I’m supporting Bradley Wiggins in his bid to win the Tour de France. He’s British and so am I. However, Sky’s preparations are so clinical and professional, you’d be mistaken for thinking they were German. To really get behind someone, you need a good dose of amateurism from time to time. That’s why I’ve…

  • The Schlecks – Tour de France riders to know and love

    I have a friend called Dan who is one half of a pair of twins. He once told me that some of his mum’s friends call him “the twins”. What he means by this is not that these people call he and his sister “the twins”. He means that he can walk into a room…

  • Andre Greipel – Tour de France rider to know and love

    Andre Greipel’s nickname is ‘Gorilla’. I sort of get this. I presume it’s a reference to his round-armed sprinting style and his gargantuan physique. You don’t think a cyclist could have a gorilla body? Take a look at Greipel’s legs of ham. He also resembles a basking shark with his wide mouth sucking up all…

  • Johnny Hoogerland – Tour de France rider to know and love

    There are many great names in professional cycling – the bluntly classic ‘Christian Knees’ being just one example – but few names are as impressive as Johnny Hoogerland. Both Hoogerland and Christian Knees are prone to getting into the day’s break. They are usually accompanied by Mickael Delage who is, frankly, a nutcase. His name’s…

  • Tony Gallopin – Tour de France rider to know and love

    You might think Tony Gallopin isn’t that funny a name. If so, you clearly don’t follow the internet coverage where names are presented in the format: ‘surname, first name’. It’s Gallopin’ Tony!

  • Do I have an opinion on Ryder Hesjedal winning the Giro?

    No, not really. I’m still coming to terms with a Canadian who doesn’t seem to wear winter clothing. I’m quite intrigued by his 8.3 litre lungs though. The average is about six litres, so maybe Ryder’s got three of the blighters tucked away inside his ribcage. He’d have to have sacrificed his pancreas and a…

  • Domenico Pozzovivo is also illogical

    The reasons to love Domenico Pozzovivo keep coming, thick and fast – much like the rider himself should he be going uphill. Most revolve around his limitations – to ‘downhill’, ‘the flat’ and ‘time trials’ we can now add ‘in the wet’, ‘in the cold’ and ‘in a group’. Basically, he can go uphill on…

  • Why I love Domenico Pozzovivo

    In general, if you’re one of the best climbers, you’re one of the favourites for a Grand Tour. I love Domenico Pozzovivo because this doesn’t apply to him. I love him because of his limitations. Put Pozzovivo on a long, steep incline and he will ride away from everyone. If he were reasonably competent in…

  • Who is Ramunas Navardauskas?

    The first week of a Grand Tour sometimes feels like a complete irrelevance. You know that the leader at this point generally doesn’t stand a chance of winning overall. I’d be surprised if Ramunas Navardauskas won the Giro, for example. Surprised and also annoyed. Ramunas Navardauskas is a cracking name, but it’s a bloody nightmare…