Author: Alex

  • Who is Ramunas Navardauskas?

    The first week of a Grand Tour sometimes feels like a complete irrelevance. You know that the leader at this point generally doesn’t stand a chance of winning overall. I’d be surprised if Ramunas Navardauskas won the Giro, for example. Surprised and also annoyed. Ramunas Navardauskas is a cracking name, but it’s a bloody nightmare…

  • Mark Cavendish wins stage two of the Giro

    I missed this, but I’ve seen enough Mark Cavendish stage wins to know EXACTLY what happened. There will have been a large group of cyclists and David Harmon will have repeatedly said the name ‘Cavendish’. However, I wouldn’t have known where Cavendish was. I’d have thought that I’d spotted him a couple of times but…

  • Taylor Phinney’s prologue win in the Giro causes very mild irritation

    I don’t have enormously strong feelings about the Giro. Nor do I really ever feel that strongly about prologues. Add in the fact that they’re cycling in Denmark to magnify the sense that the first week of a Grand Tour is really just the groundwork for the race proper and it’s hard to feel too…

  • The Dolomites and the Giro

    I will freely admit that I know very little about the Giro d’Italia. For the most part, I hear about it afterwards. It is something that just happens. Something that is referred to frequently during the Tour but which has very little impact on me when it actually takes place. Well not this year. This…

  • Does Philippe Gilbert have another job?

    So, the other day we were thinking about getting someone to do the drive. It was kind of crappy looking, so we tore up most of the front yard to make it fully crappy looking. We then HAD to hire someone. Trawling the internet for people, we found a P Gilbert advertising his services. Could…