ITV4 will show the Tour de France in 2024 (and so will Eurosport/Discovery)

The good news for UK cycling fans is that ITV4 will be covering the whole of the 2024 Tour de France. They’ll have live coverage and then highlights at 7pm, same as every year. (Although the highlights do sometimes get shunted back a bit.) Some of the bigger stages will also be broadcast from the start.

Live coverage

Ned Boulting and David Millar are now firmly-established as commentators, supplemented by Daniel Friebe and Matt Rendell in the multilingual roving reporter roles.

Over on Eurosport/Discovery+, I’m assuming it’ll again be Carlton Kirby and Rob Hatch with the comically unemotional Sean Kelly – a man whose knowledge of cycling is only surpassed by his almost admirable refusal to convey even the slightest bit of passion. Kirby is a bit of an acquired taste and somewhat prone to talking cobblers, but he can be entertaining during the duller passages of the race.

Hatch I rather like, although some find him a bit excitable at the finishes. Personally, I reckon he’s pretty good during the bulk of the stage, combining descriptive commentary with the all-important idle waffle (although he may focus rather too much on the cycling for those who enjoy the ambience of the race more than the sport).

Jens Voigt, Matt Stephens and Adam Blythe will also broadcast from the back of one of the motorbikes following the race (at different times, they’re not all going to be queued up on the back there).

Let’s be honest, it’ll be Boulting and Millar for most of us though.


When it comes to highlights, ITV4 wins hands down. It is a TV programme, as opposed to just being the highlights of the racing, so they try and tell a story, summarising the day and framing it in the context of the race as a whole. Done badly, this approach could be frustrating. But they don’t do it badly – largely because they have a good group of people involved.

Chris Boardman will doubtless take time off from making the nation’s roads safe to drop in at some point, while Pete Kennaugh seems to have become a more central member of the team in recent years. The likes of Sarah Storey and Dani Rowe have popped up in the past too.

Most importantly of all, Gary Imlach will be there, anchoring things with his usual dry pithiness.

It’s worth noting that if you miss the ITV4 highlights when they’re on, they usually appear on the ITV Player within an hour or so – although it can be a bit hit and miss, particularly at the weekend, so try not to rely on this.

Eurosport’s on-demand service is more reliable – albeit the highlights can sometimes seem like arbitrary stretches of the live coverage pasted together with no real thought for how they fit together.

Orla Chennaoui will present The Breakaway – the punditry/highlights thing after each stage – along with Robbie McEwen, Dani Rowe and Adam Blythe.


In addition to this, why not follow the race via this website? If you haven’t done so already, here’s why you should sign up for email updates.

And if you already subscribe and enjoy the site, I’d really appreciate it if you could tell other people about it as well because my marketing campaign basically amounts to crossing my fingers.

(This article is an updated version of last year’s article about UK TV coverage of the Tour de France.)


74 responses to “ITV4 will show the Tour de France in 2024 (and so will Eurosport/Discovery)”

  1. Liggett is turning out to be Mr Teflon, nothing sticks to him… except money.

    1. Is that one of the qualities of Teflon? You can easily attach cash to it?

      It’s not so much the associations with Armstrong that are so incriminating as some of the arguments he’s made. They show a distinct lack of comprehension of concepts that he should be totally on top of in order to do his job.

      Just one quote, but there are plenty more:

      “The amazing thing is that these guys who take the drugs come back and carry on winning. Take Alberto Contador, for example. He came straight back from a drug ban and won the Tour of Spain.

      “It seems to me these guys are raw talents. They seem to take the drugs as an insurance to make sure they win the event, because the talent is still there to win the event.”

      Is it really acceptable for a mainstream commentator to voice opinions like that?

      1. Yes, if that is his opinion. He is a Cycling analyst, and a very accomplished one. You and all of us, have the right to disagree with him.

    2. Dear Pete, please ask your fellow commentator’s to stop talking when an interesting view comes from the helicopter, yesterday two very old castles came in to view, but the bloke talking with you loved the sound of his own voice so much that it was never mentioned!!

      Years ago interesting landmarks were mentioned but very much less so this year.



      1. Chris avatar

        TdF is my favourite race of all time and thank god there are other options for watching except for Eurosport. I cannot stand to listen to the DRIVEL from Kirby. I cannot watch any race if he is commentating! Dreadful

  2. daneel avatar

    Gary Imlach? Wasn’t he the American Football guy waaaaay back when on Channel 4?

    1. He was indeed. I don’t watch American Football, but I’ve half a mind he still covers the sport on whatever channel broadcasts it.

  3. I’ll be sticking with Eurosport. Can’t beat Sean Kelly’s impenetrable bog Irish accent and complete lack of anything even remotely resembling a sense of humour.

    1. Also, his hatred of dramatic tension. His matter-of-fact assertions that a rider from the break will almost certainly be caught before the finish can feel like sabotage of his co-commentator’s efforts to inject life into duller stages.

    2. richard baker avatar
      richard baker

      david millar ex drug taker now commentating WHY,he should be banned by itv4 will not watch in future will go to eurosport

      1. twooks avatar

        whatever the story
        David Millar subsequently has been very proactive in the bid to stop drug taking

        re Eurosport
        I like their commentary, watched for years particularly when Duffers was there
        I enjoy Sean Kelly’s commentary, given the era that he was racing – you really think he was drug free

  4. sandra Godwin avatar
    sandra Godwin

    As you will have heard, David Millar is going to be commentating in ITV4 – top stuff. I wish it were in better circumstances for him, but top stuff none the less.

    1. I hadn’t hear that, actually. Good news indeed. He’s usually got something worth hearing to say.

      1. Mary Peckham avatar
        Mary Peckham

        Hi Alex I found it strange that Geraint Thomas was hardly mentioned by the commentators even although he was 3rd. Was there a particular reason for this?

      2. Only they know, Mary. I suppose they’re focused on stage wins and the overall victory and Thomas was never really in the running for either.

        Third is incredible but if you’re repeatedly getting dropped by the other two, you’re not really shaping events. It was Vingegaard and Pogacar and then daylight really.

  5. Andrew avatar

    I’ve read elsewhere that ITV are switching to Boulting and Millar because they don’t have any editorial control over Phil and Paul, who provide commentary for NBC and a number of other territories. I’ll miss them, but Ned and David have become a good team. They’ve actually been doing it for a while – two Dauphines and last year’s Vuelta too. Millar was a little tongue tied at first but he’s settled into it. Someone might have to set Ned a quota for his use of the phrase “a famous victory” though.

    It’s a shame that ITV don’t carry the Giro. I followed it for the first time this year thanks to the very reasonable eurosport pass, but I wasnt that impressed by the eurosport presentation – the main commentator was ok but Sean Kelly (bless him) sounded like he was narrating road works and the post race chat was well below the standard set by Imlach and Boardman. Eurosport didn’t give GC standings, not evening in their evening reruns, which I thought was piss poor. Still, they’re the only game in town for much of the calendar.

    1. Ned and Dave first appeared at last year’s Tour of Yorkshire, I think. They were pretty ropey, but ITV do the Tour of Britain as well as the races you mention and they’ve got the hang of things now.

      Every commentator has his pet phrases and at least Ned’s “a famous victory” isn’t quite as frequent as Phil’s “the ride of his life.”

      Personally, I think they’re a better bet. Phil and Paul weren’t pronouncing half of the riders’ names right and there was always that weird thing where they’d spend ten minutes talking about some American rider who was never going to do anything anyway.

      Eurosport are pretty shoestring, but they’re committed to the sport.

  6. nick williams avatar
    nick williams

    I just watched the ITV start of the Tour and am disappointed that Phil and Paul are not doing the commentary Phils’ voice has been part on my tour viewing for years, its a bit like loosing Murray Walker from F1, but you quickly get used to it, I wouldn’t watch Eurosport because that Irish drone drives me mad.

  7. Please bring back Phil and Paul. Let Ned do the funny bit on the bikes and David Millar can do the expert analysis but please bring back Phil and Paul. It’s not the same without them.

  8. Louise Wildash avatar
    Louise Wildash

    I have just watched the Tour de France on ITV4, and I was surprised to hear that Ned Boulting and David Millar were commentating.
    I’ve just read on this website and it looks as though that ITV want a new look team and replace Phil and Paul.
    In my opinion, Phil Liggett is a legend when it comes to Tour de France, he always commentates this event. He will be missed as well as Paul. I like where he talks about buildings, such as churches, cathedrals or château about the history of them going back centuries and when they were built.
    No disrespect, but I don’t think David knows any history of the locations that the helicopter shows on TV. It’s hard to replace Paul.

    I NEVER watch Eurosport coverage as I can’t stand Sean Kelly and his Irish accent. As for Carlton Kirby no. He’s a thumbs down as well. I also don’t like when they show interviews and cut out the live coverage of the event.
    That’s why I prefer ITV 4.
    They’re the best ones to watch. Gary Imach and Chris Boardman are better presenters and know their cycling well.

    I’ll give Ned and David more time, but I’m sure they’ll do well. I thought Ned got very excited at the sprint finish when Cavendish won today.
    I will definitely miss Chris and Ned’s funny antics they do before the coverage is shown.

    1. Kerry bradley avatar
      Kerry bradley

      Louise, well said!
      I think Phil and Paul should ALWAYS be part of the Tour!
      Don’t get me wrong, I think Ned Boulting and David Millar are good, but like you said- David hasn’t got the knowledge about buildings, etc.
      It’s sad, it’s not going to be the same!????

      1. Andrea avatar

        What genius made the decision to oust Paul & Phil? You have lost all support you fools.

  9. Don Parry avatar
    Don Parry

    David Miller sounds as exciting as if he’s reading a telephone directory. Bring back Paul and Phil.
    Boring,boring snd dull.

  10. Maris avatar

    PLEASE bring back Paul and Phil ,this dull monotone commentary is so boring it’s ruined the Tour de France. Why spoil something that was soooooo good. Two hours of this is painfull.

  11. Nigel Wall avatar
    Nigel Wall

    Boulting and Millar are OK but they ain’t no Ligget and Sherwen…..please bring back Phil and Paul !

  12. Sheil avatar

    This year’s tour is just not the same. Ned and David are so so boring. No comment on scenery or where they are going through. Bring back Phil and Paul please. Their commentary was ace

  13. emily avatar

    David Millar is dire. Absolutely boring with his bizarre, ‘and then this will happen, but this could happen, and then this will happen…’ no pause for breath, predictions for every second of the race.

    Ned and (extremely knowledgeable and funny) Boardman were brill together. Such a pity.

  14. Marie avatar

    We miss Phil liggitt and Sherwen . Miller & Boulting are knowledgeable about the race tactics but they talked about the riders and their past experience all the time,So boring at times. The Tour de France is a cycle race but it is also about France , the countryside and history. I have been a fan for 50 years and I have interested in a lot of friends , family and colleagues to follow the tour. Please, please try to make it more interesting.

  15. Having watched the Tour De France for a number of years, even from it’s initial days on Channel4. It is disappointing that ITV are not using the wonderful Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen this year. Their commentary was always informatory and enjoyable. Please bring them back ITV.

  16. The commentary of this years tour is so boring it wants you to turn the TV off. I do not have Sky or otherwise I would turn over. Bring back Phil and Paul,

  17. Well my garden is getting more attention than I expected at this time of year because I’d rather watch the grass grow than listen to Millar. Perhaps he knows what he’s talking about (especially when it comes to drugs) but he just does not have what is required to be a professional commentator. He is ruining the event for me.

  18. David Millar, Sean Kelly and Ned Boulting have killed the 2016 toure de France on itv 4 and eurosport
    So boring monotone voices Millar and Kelly can’t understand them, one long sentence goes on and on I feel out of breath sounds if they are reading a script .have to keep my finger on the pause button ,hide all the ropes getting suicidal.
    I look forward to the toure every year but these commentators have killed it .
    More fizz in a bottle pop than these.they do my head in.
    Come on itv and pay for some good entertaining commentators.
    Brlng back Phil and Paul.

  19. Terry G. avatar
    Terry G.

    Need Boulting is very poor indeed and will never be a good commentator. Bring back Paul and Phil please please please

  20. David Murphy avatar
    David Murphy

    It’s clear that ITV sees the Tour as a prime advertising opportunity for the usual betting brands who infest the screens around all the other sporting events on TV. Betting and gambling have been a lucrative source of income for ITV.

    A change of profile suits this move along with presenters.

    How this? Wasn’t Millar suspended over doping in his career? So what’s with the unfair association of Liggett with Armstrong etc by one of your comments here.

    I don’t think Phil indulged anything more than a good Beaujolai with a steak poise rare. Bon apertif!

    Would you mind posting my comment instead of censoring it?

    1. I haven’t censored any comments.

      Why would I?

  21. I salute ITV for looking to the future. Phil and Paul do have legendary status and were very quotable but they were so annoying with their repetitive phrases, lack of insight and actual commentary on how the race was unfolding; constantly hyping it up for an American audience I think.

    Ned Boulting has a laid back approach with the occasional quirky line, but able to get excited at critical moments. David Millar’s insights are superb.

  22. Nicholas browning avatar
    Nicholas browning

    Millar and boulting are an excellent team – Millar particularly insightful; specifically the time when as part of a pair riding in front of the peloton his team mate hid on a drive way to avoid the shame when they were caught! Very dry in delivery but particularly insightful

  23. The cycling is wonderful spoilt by boring boulting. Is this an example of commentating on the cheap.

    1. No, because the alternative is buying in another channel’s commentary and trying to pass it off as their own – which is what they used to do with Phil and Paul for the Tour de France.

  24. Paul & Phil are a pleasure to listen to. Informative articulate imparting a sense of history of the race and the regions it passes through. Your coverage has lost its magic without them. Bring them back. Turned it off- looking at Wimbledon

    1. twooks avatar

      well, I may be outnumbered,
      but I am sooooo very relieved to see the back of Messrs PL & PS
      good riddance, don’t need their self important twaddle

  25. Jane Morgan avatar
    Jane Morgan

    I’ve watched the Tour de France for years, many of them before I enjoyed the cycling. I loved seeing the French countryside and getting history lessons about all the little villages and churches along the way. I’m still watching because I’ve become an accidental cycling fan, but it’s not as enjoyable now. It’s more like football commentary, where some expert witters on pointlessly all the time. Shame.

  26. This years tour de France commentary on itv4 just after 2 days is so boring.
    What is the point of the fabulous helicopter shots being shown of the surrounding area of the country and Ned Boulting and David Millar do not even try to explain the history what we are shown.
    They seem to think everybody needs to know facts and figures of the race at all times.
    As a viewer I love the race but also would like to know more about the history of the fabulous buildings the helicopter shots keep showing.
    Your 2 commentators go on and on it makes me lose interest in the race as facts and figures all the time become so boring.

  27. I like what Janet says above about becoming an accidental cycling fan!

    Not really a sport fan, but have always enjoyed watching Le Tour and thought it was made by Phil and Paul’s commentary. Tried watching it last year with Ned and David but gave up, and am feeling the same this year 🙁 Ned sounds too much like he’s trying to be jolly and David sounds too dour (IMHO of course!)

    Wish there was a way to watch with P&P still, but unless you live in the USA, can’t see how …

  28. Leanne avatar

    I agree with the other’s I miss Phil and Paul, Ned and David are boring and I don’t care to listen to a drugs cheat, they make it nearly unwatchable as for you slamming Paul for “supporting” drugs cheats then praising David Millar’s appointment is hypocritical since he is a drugs cheat. The tour is almost unwatchable for me with these two at least Gary and Chris are still there, maybe they should commentate Chris does the Olympics so why not.

  29. Alfred hutchison avatar
    Alfred hutchison

    I would rather watch paint dry than listen to these two talking in their nasally accents. Totally ruined what used to be the highlight of our viewing year.

  30. Hi
    With so many cyclists having been robbed of the opportunity to further their cycling careers by drug cheats, because in theory they weren’t good enough.

    Why does itv offer David Miller a former drug cheat another rung up the ladder and the opportunity to further his career of the back of his former cheating escapades.

    Surely their is a cyclist more deserving of his position at itv.

    Please could you inform me why this is.

    And the response

    The production team have advised the following:

    “The appointment of David Millar as a commentator alongside Ned Boulting was always going to be divisive. We were fully aware of David’s doping background when we appointed him but were equally aware that following his ban and subsequent return to the sport he has been publicly and privately remorseful and has campaigned against drugs in sport ever since. We considered other candidates for the role but David’s experience and knowledge made him the obvious choice.”

    Thank you for taking the time to contact us and if you have any additional queries, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

    Kind regards,

    I question divisive being an obvious choice. More like jobs for the boys.

  31. Chappo avatar

    I would rather listen to David Millar any day, rather than the unarticulate, um, er Sean Kelly, , ya no, well , da,well, repeat, um er , something unintelligible, ya no, repeat, um, da, (something blindingly obvious (that happened 5 minutes ago) .

  32. Louise avatar

    So here we go! Start of le tour! Whoever commentates we are in for a great couple of weeks. I will miss Broadman though!

  33. Crazy Rider avatar
    Crazy Rider

    I can’t watch TDF on ITV4 any more. The commentators send me to sleep they are so boring. It might be better if they put some life into their voices. I thought it would get better as time went on but it hasn’t. To me, their commentary is more like an internal team discussion, interseting for those whpo actually ride in the teams and like to know who is doing what, but when it comes to watching a race I like to hear about the race itself.

  34. Chris avatar

    Good to have the TdF still on itv 4 with Gary at the helm. I’m not initially impressed by Chris Boardman’s replacement, didn’t have the screen presence or any meaningful insight but it’s early days of course.
    I was amused by Ned’s initial miscalling of the day one result, it reminded me of the Alan Partridge horse racing sketch … “No! Christ’s Chin won! … I got confused”

    1. I haven’t seen his replacement yet. I’m catching up. Going to excitedly venture internal guesses as to who it might be based on your comment.

  35. Chris avatar

    I didn’t especially recognise him, was vaguely aware of the name but no more… he may be more familiar to you

    1. Peter Kennaugh. He was a very promising rider who people thought would be suited to grand tours but he’s taking an indefinite break at the minute because he doesn’t enjoy pro cycling any more.

      I think there’s been some depression and he sounds a little like a man who’s still rather emotionally weighed down during his TV appearances so far. I’d put that down to inexperience and nerves though.

      Give him a chance. He once made a very funny cameo on the Champs Elysees, cycling into shot during an Imlach-Boardman segment and asking them whether they’d done the bike competition yet.

      1. Mike Beattie avatar
        Mike Beattie

        I’d rather have itv4 coverage than Eurosport can’t stand Carlton Kirby he’s dreadful.The worse thing about itv4s coverage is the constant and far to frequent commercials which seem to have more time than the cycling

  36. David Williams avatar
    David Williams

    I have to agree, the commentary is very dull indeed. No passion or excitement, nor any information about any historical sites shown by the helicopter shots.

    ITV would do well to turn up the background noise, I would rather listen to the crowds cheering rather than uninspiring flat commentry in the obviously boxy studio that they are in. I have nothing against Millar and Boulting, they have great things to add, there just needs another person who has a little enthusiasim!

    Shame really, I might try Eurosport instead.

  37. ANNI EDWARDS avatar


  38. Andy Homer avatar
    Andy Homer

    GUTTED – I tuned in to ITV this evening, knowing that it’s the first big mountain stage. But WTF is Boardman? Having spent the best part of 20 years watching men on bikes, Chris B openend my eyes in 2012 as to actually what was going on… Since then I have enjoyed his professional analysis of each stage. ITV – IT IS YOUR DUTY TO GET HIM BACK…. The roads of Mancheter will be the same in a ocupld of weeks but the TdF is massively the worse for your absence.

  39. David Johnson avatar
    David Johnson

    I really like ITV 4 courage of the Tour de France and hope they can cover the Vuelta and Giro.
    Eurosport are still sticking with boring old Sean Kelly and when asked for his comments he starts with er or well or um
    They have talked him out of the phrase “you make your calculations but that took a while.
    One of the commentators on Eurosport over pronounces the riders name and the towns they pass through.

  40. Kevin Miller avatar
    Kevin Miller

    I flick between ITV4 and Eurosport.

    I love Carlton and Sean during the “quieter” moments of a race to hear the chit chat.

    But Boulting and Millar get my vote for the more exciting bits of the race.

    ITV4 win for the highlights package and Podcast. Matt Rendell and Peter Kennaugh are brilliant

  41. John Dougall avatar
    John Dougall

    Boulting and Millar are excellent but are they being paid to mention Sagan all the time. Its Sagan this and Sagan that. He hasn’t done anything yet

    1. He’s won seven green jerseys. Even if he’s not currently in the lead, he’s the preeminent figure in that competition.

  42. Sean Clavery avatar
    Sean Clavery

    David Millar , drug cheat , is no ambassador for cycling . Replace him immediately . Eurosport for me I’m afraid .

  43. I’m an avid fan of TdF on ITV, the commentary is, up to now been great…
    However, Dan Martin.
    As much as he was an awesome cyclist he is definately not a commentator… clipped and slurred speech and if he he says “yeah” one more time – so help me….
    Sorry ITV if Dan stays it may be time to tune in elsewhere…

  44. Sheila avatar

    Millar hasn’t improved with time has he? Let’s hope itv4 replace him with Peter Kennagh, going forward, who after all is a more recent TdF rider and a much more insightful commentator. And Millar cheated….

  45. Blakey avatar

    Gary Imlach, David Millar and Ned Boulting, Genius! I’d listen to them commentating on knitting. I assume those wetting themselves about David Millar’s errant past would have been stoning people to death in the past. I’m sure he lies awake at night stressing over your decision to watch Eurosport. Eurosport is LAME.

  46. Richard Hancock avatar
    Richard Hancock

    I’ve always watched the TdeF on terrestrial TV (Channel 4 way back when and ITV4 in recent years). But this year, having watched one day of live coverage on ITV4, I was completely turned off by the adverts. So, since I enjoyed the discovery+ coverage of this year’s Giro, I stumped up another £6.99 to watch advert-free live coverage of the TdeF. As far as commentators are concerned, both ITV4 and discovery+ (Eurosport/GCN) have a mixed bag. Not a fan of Cadel Evans on ITV4 and Sean Kelly can’t even be bothered to pronounce “Pogačar” correctly (I just remember to rhyme his name with “comin’ atcha”). So, take your pick, but I’ve personally had enough of adverts when watching live coverage.

  47. Paula Pearce avatar
    Paula Pearce

    Carel Evans is boring me. I am tempted to just mute the telly while watching TDF. What a pity that they cannot have someone whose voice is animated and engaging.

  48. Le matt avatar
    Le matt

    Eurosport extended nightlights just awful. Stage 5 didn’t show the attacks and break up and dropping of pogacar. Just cut to vinegaars chasing down the front with no context of what happened. Very confusing!

  49. Peter Smith avatar
    Peter Smith

    Can the itv 4 Tour de France team please comment on what is happening in the race rather than focus on punditry. As I watch live riders seem to be stopping or going to team cars and no one appears to be noticing. Also when riders visibly move up or back in the peleton often the commentators say nothing and riders are nit identified enough by graphics.
    A difficult watch as a result. Come on ITV. Commentary during the race punditry before and after the race

  50. This years commentary is so tedious. Been watching for years and I am not enjoying this years at all. Have actually fallen aslep a couple of times watching this. Thel pundits have nothing of interest to offer and don’t get me started on Ellen! I am a woman, but can you not find someone with some personality? Bring back Phil L!!!

  51. The cycling coverage on ITV 4 is by far the best to watch. The presentation team, in my opinion, are head, sholders and fat stomach above any othets on TV. Ned Boulting and David Millar provide a perfect ballance of commentry and informed opinion, while Peter Kennaugh is always interesting to listen to, and regularly hits the nail firmly on the head with his opinion and insights.
    All of that said….please, please, change the role of the only fly in an otherwise very sweet-smelling ointment and winning formula.
    Matt Rendall, whilest hugely knowledgeable, is not in any way an effective commentator. Someone needs to tell him that ummm! and errr! every third or fourth word are not suitable or interesting padding when you’re constantly trying to think of what to say and how to say it. I rapidly find myself having to either turn the sound off, or just try and watch watch another channel when he has mid-race “commentry” stints. Matt, errr!, you’ve got to just, ummm! go!

  52. stuart hotchkiss avatar
    stuart hotchkiss

    The sound coverage is awful – always going up and down and when they are out of the studio it ranges from unintelligible to awful and this is when they have presenters who can actually speak intelligible english..
    And what happened to the traditional music? Now it last five seconds maybe and is lower volume than it used to be.
    If it ain’t broke ITV, don’t fix it..

  53. The reason the riders are not feeling well may be the gravel stages those leading vehicles coughed up a lot of dust. The dust they were breathing in would mainly be silicates which are now classed as serious as asbestos in England when working with them. In my
    experience they would feel heavy lungs and flu symptoms which will clear in a couple of days.

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